Car accidents and severe sports injuries that cause significant oral trauma can damage or knock out multiple teeth in one part of your mouth. When this happens the soft tissues wounds and bleeding might take treatment priority over restoring the remnants of the teeth.
This can result in the effective loss of the dental roots, or teeth in such traumatic condition that the remnants need to be extracted from the gums.
Once your oral tissues have completely healed Dr. Joel R. Bingham and his associates can help you understand the wide range of options for restoring the overall function and appearance of the missing teeth.
If you’re not comfortable with the oral surgeries required to replace the teeth with dental implants or a dental implant supported bridge he might removable partial denture.
This is typically faster than a dental implant restoration. It consists a miniature version of dentures that corresponds to the shape and location of the missing teeth. It can be removed at your convenience and reinstalled to restore the function of your mouth.
The artificial teeth are set into a material that mimics the appearance of gum tissue, which also serves as a foundation to hold them tightly in place.
If you live in the Nampa, Idaho area and you’ve had multiple teeth knocked out, you should call 208-466-6161 to explore your treatment and restoration options at Premier Dental Care.