If you struggle choosing a dental flossing tool, then our dental team has interesting news for you and your family! When you go to select a dental device, it can be hard to know which type of floss is suitable for your family. That is why our dental team is happy to help you with more information on choosing a flossing tool that is right for your needs.
Our dentist, Dr. Joel R. Bingham, cares about your oral health and is happy to help you with your questions. Furthermore, our team at Premier Dental Care in Nampa, Idaho, is excited to share some insight on the flossing tools you can have in your home to help you.
Waxed floss:
Waxed floss is currently a popular method to use when you floss your teeth. Waxed floss is the floss string that is waxy and slippery, making it easy to slide between your teeth and along your gumline for an ideal clean. Waxed floss is an exceptional choice for anyone who has crooked, or tight teeth wedged together, so the dental floss can slide in easier.
Unwaxed floss:
Unwaxed floss is a traditional form of dental floss most people are familiar with. Unwaxed dental floss strong can go between your teeth and slide along your gumline. If you have excellent alignment on your teeth, this floss may be right for you.
Water flossers:
Water flossers are a new-fangled and exciting way to floss your teeth using a jet of water to floss your teeth gently. The water applies firm and comfortable pressure that reaches between your teeth and along your gums to remove the bacteria from your teeth and gums. Water flossers are perfect for those who struggle with dental floss string or hand coordination.
Always remember that any dental flossing tool is better than not using any method to floss your teeth. If you have questions about your oral health, or if you would like to set up an appointment with a top-notch member of our dental team, please call us today at 208-466-6161 . Our fantastic dental team is happy to help you with your oral health questions and needs.