Gingivitis and Periodontitis Explained

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When adults lose teeth, the number one reason is periodontal (gum) disease. It is critical to understand the language when discussing periodontitis (gum) disease, but what exactly are the differences between gingivitis and periodontitis? Gingivitis describes the accumulation of plaque on the teeth and gums. At this stage, bacteria is growing, but a professional cleaning… Read more »

Winning the Battle of Bad Breath

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At one time or another, most of us have been aware, or have been made aware of the fact that our breath may not be as fresh as it could be. It may be the result of something we ate, or it could be from tobacco use, coffee or alcohol. Usually, we can brush our… Read more »

The Connection between Diabetes and Oral Health

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Do you have diabetes? That means taking care of your mouth even more important than usual. Studies have shown that a diabetes diagnosis is connected to mouth infections like gum disease, dry mouth, and oral thrush. There is a powerful statistical connection between gum disease and diabetes. Gum disease can harm your gums and jawbone,… Read more »

Dental Health Care Focus: Dental Floss

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Are you taking care of your teeth in every way conceivable? Not only is it essential to continue your oral health hygiene routines, but doing so effectively is also of vital importance. Even though you are already flossing every day, there may be areas of your flossing routine that can be enhanced. Focus your oral… Read more »